2022 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Safe Sleep Guidelines
•2016 recommendations are still applicable, but the 2022 guidance is considerably more specific regarding safe sleep strategies.
•Emphasizes a collaborative, non-judgmental, socio-culturally specific approach for pediatricians and other maternal & child health providers working with families on infant safe sleep – from pregnancy through the 1st birthday.
•Espouses a clear message that bed sharing is dangerous while also providing harm-reduction information for providers working with families who bed-share.
•Incorporates new CPSC standards for infant sleep products and addresses the dangers of sleep-associated products like direct-to-consumer cardiorespiratory monitors and weighted swaddles and blankets.
2022 Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) NEW Safety Standards for Infant Sleep Products
Final ruling establishes a safety standard for infant sleep products:
Products marketed or intended to provide a sleeping accommodation for an infant up to 5 months of age
Goal: Help consumers understand which products are certified as compliant with a CPSC sleep standard, regardless of product names or advertising.
Went into effect on June 23, 2022
Affects all products marketed or intended for infant sleeping
CPSC Non-Approved Infant Sleep Products
- Inclined Sleep Products
- Hard-frame inclined sleepers
- compact foam inclined sleepers; play yard accessories (attached toys, fabric coverings, battery-operated sounds, and adjustable positions)
- Baby hammocks
- Hard-frame inclined sleepers
- Flat Sleep Products
- Soft-Sided Products
- Baby pods and baby nests; soft-sided travel bassinets or travel beds; hand-held carriers marketed for sleep; in-bed sleepers
- Rigid-Sided/Framed Products Without Legs
- Baby boxes, compact bassinets, travel bassinets, baby tents
- Soft-Sided Products